May 9, 2024

Could Your Organisation Be Phished?

Over recent years phishing has become more and more common in both our work and personal lives, and whilst it gains more media coverage, cyber criminals continue to evolve their methods and exploit untrained staff. From fake login alerts to urgent requests for money, cyber criminals will do anything and everything possible in order to gain your personal or organisational information to either sell or otherwise use maliciously.

There’s no doubt that cyber criminals have benefitted on the back of COVID-19. Fake test result emails and bogus missed delivery messages can lead to devices and accounts becoming compromised. With more remote workers than ever before across all sectors, phishing is an easy way for cyber criminals to gain access to not only any personal information, but organisational data as well.

Nine out of ten malware attacks, including ransomware, are delivered via phishing attacks. The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022 conducted by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport found that of the 573 businesses and 180 charities surveyed, 83% identified that their reported attacks were in direct relation to a successful phishing attempt. The same businesses and charities surveyed also stated that phishing attacks were the joint most disruptive form of attack.

To put these statistics into perspective, the same survey just 5 years ago found that 75% of organisations that suffered a breach were via phishing attacks, showing cyber criminals are choosing to focus more on phishing attacks than ever before.

To help combat, Bruce & Butler’s cyber security professionals are on hand to provide market leading phishing simulations. We also provide a wide range of phishing training material designed to suit your organisation’s needs as either a one off or continuous approach.

Our package comes with an extensive phishing template library to enable optimal testing for your team. Scheduling options and detailed reporting features allow for quantifiable results to be produced, meaning you are empowering your team and securing your business.

Contact Bruce & Butler today for a quote, and start your organisation’s journey towards mitigating the growing threat of phishing.