May 9, 2024

How To Become More Cyber Secure On A Budget

The past 18 months have been a massive struggle for all organisations not only in terms of dealing with COVID-19 restrictions and adapting to remote working, but also with the dramatic increase in cyber-attacks. 1 in 2 organisations now feel like they have become even more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than before the pandemic, whilst highlighting risks surrounding remote working and their lack of related cyber security procedures implemented.

Not only has there been an increase in the number of cyber-attacks, with one small business in the UK being successfully hacked every 19 seconds, but the complexity of cyber-attacks has also increased, with a key delivery technique often being linked to the pandemic, for example a fake test results email. Cyber criminals are now also demanding more, the average ransomware demand has dramatically increased to around £3.8m, up 518% in comparison to 2020 figures. Increasing costs are not just with large companies and ransomware, cyber breaches on average cost small businesses £25,700 annually just in responsive actions, putting 1 out of 6 organisations at risk of going under according to Hiscox’s Cyber Readiness Report 2021.

Last year, the average organisation in the UK devoted 21% of their IT budget to specifically cyber security, up 63% from the previous year, showing how businesses of all shapes and sizes are seeing the need to become more cyber resilient. But not all organisations, especially small businesses, have a big enough budget to implement cyber security technologies or techniques, which is where Bruce & Butler and the internationally recognised Cyber Essentials Scheme can help.

Starting at as little as £295, Bruce & Butler can aid your organisation in becoming Cyber Essentials certified in as little as 48 hours, protecting your organisation from the most prevalent cyber-attacks and reassuring yourselves and your clients that all data stored and processed by your organisation is protected. The Cyber Essentials Scheme recognises that threats come in all forms, and therefore includes an assessment on your organisation’s access controls, password requirements, firewall configurations, and update management amongst many other topics. As part of the offered package, Bruce & Butler provide a free re-test in the event of an unsuccessful application, an online submission portal, and free cyber insurance subject to requirements.

Alongside the basic self – assessment package, Bruce & Butler also offer Supported and Managed packages enabling your organisation to gain industry leading consultancy from our trained cyber security professionals. Coming in at £875, the Supported package consists of all the same benefits as the Basic self – assessment, as well as a pre-submission check, pass first time guarantee, and half a day’s consultancy, with the option to purchase more consultancy time at our standard day rate. The final package Bruce & Butler offer is Managed, where you will be able to gain certification fully managed by our cyber security professionals, who will ensure you pass first time and thereafter manage your certification. Cyber Essentials doesn’t just have the one benefit of securing your organisation against a wide variety of cyber based threats, but also will enable your organisation to potentially gain Government contacts which require Cyber Essentials and attract new business who will see that your organisation takes cyber security and the protection of data seriously. If Cyber Essentials certification sounds like something your organisation is interested in, don’t hesitate and contact Bruce & Butler today, or visit our Cyber Essentials page to find out more information.

Luke Green
Cyber Security Advisor