What Is ISO 27701 Certification?

ISO 27701 is an extension of the international Information Security Management standard, ISO 27001.

ISO 27701 specifies the requirements for – and provides guidance for establishing, implementing & maintaining – a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS).

Implementing a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) such as ISO 27701 certification ensures you have in place the infrastructure to protect vital information assets and manage cyber threats in a proactive and secure manner.

The Benefits of ISO 27701 Certification

  • Take A Proactive Approach To Cyber Security

With cyber security, it’s vital to approach potential threats in as proactive a manner as possible. By achieving ISO 27701 certification, you’ll ensure that potential threats are prevented from the outset, mitigating your risk of large-scale expenses and irreparable brand damage due to a cyber security breach.

  • Uphold Your Reputation

Obtaining your ISO 27701 certification instils confidence in your customer base, employees and stakeholders that you’re committed to best practices when it comes to cyber security. It also minimises your chances of sensitive data being compromised – an event which could prove disastrous to your organisation.

  • Become The Market Leader

Being ISO 27701 certified allows you to gain a distinct advantage over your competitors by showing that you take data protection seriously. By demonstrating your commitment to robust cyber security practices, you’ll instil confidence in your customers, clients and contractors.

Our ISO 27701 Certification Process

Bruce & Butler operates a no-nonsense ISO 27701 certification roadmap, which is based upon ISO best practices:


Gap Analysis

Our ISO 27701 certification roadmap begins with a GAP analysis to assess your information security management system (ISMS) and identify any improvements required to certify with ISO 27701 PrivacyInformation Management System (PIMS).


Internal Audit

Our team will perform a detailed examination on your Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) to ensure it meets ISO 27701 certification requirements. This is independently conducted by Bruce & Butler, who will compile and share detailed results to guide future improvements of your PIMS.



Once the GAP analysis has been completed, our team will design and implement a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) that's custom-tailored to the requirements of your organisation.The system will be developed in-line with your current working procedures and requirements, allowing for seamless integration within your existing infrastructure. We'll provide all necessary guidance anddocumentation as well as ongoing support to ensure you achieve ISO 27701 certification.


Management & Maintenance

Once you've obtained your ISO 27701 certification, our dedicated team will actively manage your Privacy Information Management System on an ongoing basis. This is executed by conducting an in-depth monthly audit against the controls of the ISO 27701 standards, managing Privacy InformationSecurity risks and ensuring continuous improvement.

We have experience in the following sectors:

  • Finance and Insurance
  • Education Schools and College
  • Legal and Professional
  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Software and Technology
  • Retail and Ecommerce
  • Charities and Not-For-Profits
  • Manufacturing
  • Professional Sports
  • Transport and Logistics

Why choose Bruce & Butler as your ISO 27701 specialists?

Bruce & Butler are dedicated to equipping organisations of all sizes with industry-standard data protection certifications. Combining state-of-the-art tools with decades of experience, we’re the experts at what we do.

We employ a bespoke and custom-tailored approach to the certification process, leveraging a close working relationship with your organisation to ensure ISO 27701 compliance year-round. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve ISO 27701 certification.